Balcony Garden

I love using fresh herbs and one of my goals for 2014 was to have a little herb garden. This weekend I've dedicated some time to planting and arranging this on our balcony.

I know I could buy most of these already grown to a decent size, but I actually enjoy observing the process of sprouting and growing.

The only thing I bought was the Salvia/Salbei/Sage.

The Timo/Thymian/Thyme, the Menta/Minze/Mint and the Rosmarino/Rosmarin/Rosemary are from last year.

In the green box are Basilico/Basilikum/Basil and Maggiorana/Majoran/Majoram.

In the brown box Prezzemolo/Petersilie/Parsley.

I want to add some Estragone/EstragonTarragon and Oregano/Origano, but I have to get seeds first, so it will be a job for the coming weekend.
